Nathan Morris 22/01/2022

Get ready to be wowed and add a dash of astonishment to your magical repertoire! If you're new to the enchanting world of magic or simply cherish effortless mastery, you're in for a treat that's bound to dazzle!
Imagine performing a trick that requires no sleight of hand, no intricate maneuvers, and no perplexing setup. Yes, you read that right — it's pure AWESOMENESS encapsulated in magic! The technique behind this trick will leave you marveling at its simplicity and effectiveness. Somehow, it works like a charm, every single time, leaving both you and your audience utterly baffled and delighted.
The secret sauce, however, isn't just in the trick itself but in the presentation - the story you weave, the humor you infuse, and the persona you embody while performing. I am wholeheartedly inspired by Dani's approach, brimming with wit and a laid-back vibe that almost makes the audience forget they're witnessing magic. It's this casual yet captivating delivery that I aspire to emulate in my rendition of the trick.
Before stumbling upon Dani's much-anticipated Live Lecture (#2) through a serendipitous sequence of ads, I must confess, Dani was a name I wasn't familiar with. But now? I'm an admirer, eagerly awaiting to devour his second lecture and definitely circling back to his first!
For fellow magic enthusiasts, beginners venturing into this mesmerizing world, or seasoned magicians looking to sprinkle some light-hearted amusement into their performances, Dani’s trick is not just a tutorial; it's a gateway to enchanting your audience in the most unexpectedly delightful way. Dani, you truly are 'DaMan' in the world of magic. And now, I can hardly wait to further explore the wonders you have to offer in your lectures!

Josh 11/05/2021

Having dived into heaps of feedback before deciding on this purchase, I surfed through both the rave and the not-so-rave to get the full scoop.
Now, here's where I stand - the chatter about the video being hard to grasp? Couldn't be further from my experience. Dani absolutely nails clarity and instruction, making the complex beautifully simple.
Dabbling in card magic has been my jam for a while, and yet, this trick sailed smoothly over my radar without a hint of detection. The 'aha' moment didn't hit until Dani unveiled the secret sauce at the very end.
What we've got here is a spectacle that's bound to bamboozle not just your average Joe but fellow magicians too. It's a breeze to perform, although it does tap into a sprinkle of additional know-how. Fear not, for an insightful tutorial covering these nuggets is part of the package, offering a golden opportunity to up your magic game.
In essence, if you're looking to leave jaws on the floor - magician or muggle - this tutorial is your ticket to the big league. Prepare to astound.

Anthony 09/01/2021

Immerse yourself into a world where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary with just a standard deck of cards in hand. Imagine weaving magic through the air, allowing a spectator the freedom to shuffle, cut, and select cards—all under your unseen guidance. Now, picture revealing their selections without once glimpsing the cards yourself. Astonishing, isn't it?
Welcome back to my corner of magical musings, where I share my experiences with spellbinding illusions that leave audiences amazed. Today, I’m revisiting a trick that has become a cherished arrow in my quiver of mystique—owing to its consistently jaw-dropping reactions.
Crafted by the ingenious mind of Dani, this trick is a masterpiece of mentalism that captivates not just by the sleight of hand, but by the sheer brilliance of its execution. What makes it stand out is its simplicity, blended with a high impact that resonates deep within the spectators. Performing this trick, I find myself a whisper away from the action, yet intimately connected to the unfolding wonder.
One might think the secret behind pulling off such a feat would be arduously complex, but here lies the beauty—it's all in the presentation, peppered with just a pinch of preparation. For aficionados of the arcane who might not yet be acquainted with the foundational technique, fret not. The tutorial bridges this gap marvelously, offering the clearest pathway to mastering the necessary skills with ease.
This trick doesn't just attract attention; it mesmerizes, creating a moment of pure astonishment that lingers long in the memory of your audience. It’s an eloquent testament to the power of magic in connecting us, transcending the mundane to touch the miraculous.
If your heart beats faster at the prospect of such magic, and your fingers itch to orchestrate the impossible, this trick is your calling card to greatness. Put in the initial effort to acquaint yourself with the core technique—Penguin Magic's tutorial is your guiding light here—and watch as your magic transcends boundaries, leaving your spectators spellbound, time and time again.
In a realm where the limitations are only as real as your belief in them, this trick is a beacon for those yearning to push beyond, to amaze, and to inspire. Join me in this enchanting adventure, and let’s create moments of wonder that defy explanation and ignite imaginations.

Michael Pilkey 27/07/2020

If you’ve ever wondered what it feels like to truly astonish not just a small gathering but a whole room of seasoned magicians, then Dani DaOrtiz’s “Or Not” is the treasure you’ve been searching for. Picture this: Magic Live 2019, a room packed with hundreds of magicians, each with their own bag of tricks, all left awestruck by the sheer brilliance of “Or Not”.
Having witnessed this jaw-dropping performance live, I can attest to the collective amazement that rippled through the crowd – a testament to the trick's power. Unfortunately, I missed the chance to grab one of the limited DVDs sold right after Dani’s session, but little did I know, snagging this gem from Penguin Magic would become one of my most memorable purchases.
“Or Not” is surprisingly easy to master, debunking any myths that it’s only for the hands of the adept. Ignore any naysayers commenting on Dani’s accent or declaring the tutorial hard to follow – their claims couldn’t be further from the truth. Dani's instructions are meticulously detailed, making the trick accessible and immensely satisfying to learn.
The first few times I practiced “Or Not”, I nearly fooled myself. The revelation that it required no sleights was nothing short of a revelation. It's a testament to Dani's genius, making the seemingly impossible not only possible but straightforward.
For any magician – whether you’re just starting out, have been in the game for years, or simply love the art – “Or Not” serves as a brilliant illustration of how magic can captivate and enchant. Dani DaOrtiz is not just a magician; he’s a craftsman of wonder, and with “Or Not”, he invites us into a world where the impossible becomes our reality.
In awe of Dani’s prowess and grateful for a trick that’s become a highlight of my performances, I tip my hat to one of the most incredible talents the magic community has been blessed with. Here’s to creating moments of pure astonishment with “Or Not” – a trick that, without a doubt, will have your audience questioning reality as they know it.

Rob Signs 12/09/2019

In the realm of card magic, I've encountered an illusion that stands a note above—in second place, to be precise, on my list of favorites. This trick? It's been my secret weapon not just once but multiple times, especially when dazzling my keen-eyed parents. Despite their familiarity with my early fumbles in magic, this particular marvel leaves them spellbound, time after time.
This isn't your run-of-the-mill, applause-generating spectacle. Oh no, it offers something far more profound—a lasting, puzzling effect. It transcends mere sleight of hand; it's the kind of magic that doesn't just make people marvel how but leaves them genuinely perplexed, caught in the web of an unfathomable mystery.
If you're pondering over the complexity, fret not. This trick lies on the simpler end of the spectrum. Granted, it demands a bit of practice. Yet, once mastered, the chances of slip-ups are minimal, almost non-existent, and the risk of its secrets being unveiled even slimmer.
Now, regarding memorization—which this trick does require—allow me to paint a picture of my own memorative capabilities. Describing them as less than stellar would be an understatement:
The colors of only my and my brother's eyes are the fragments of personal data my memory clings onto.
Only two phone numbers have the privilege of residency in my mind—mine and my mother's.
The card I supposedly forced on someone? It might as well vanish from my memory as quickly as it appeared.
A four-digit code? Perhaps manageable, but anything beyond is entering a territory my memory dares not tread.
Address recalling? Forget it. Even if you entrusted it to me mere seconds ago, it's lost in the ether.
Given this, one might think a trick relying on memorization would be my downfall. Yet, here lies the beauty and the charm—it isn't. This trick has proven to be an exception, a testament to its accessibility and the magic within grasp for any aspiring magician, memory prowess notwithstanding.
To all who share a passion for the mystical arts, whether you're just starting on this path or you've been walking it for years, know this—magic is about the wow, the wonder, and the smiles it spreads. It's not about perfection or an eidetic memory. This trick, with its ability to baffle and amaze, is proof of just that. And it comes highly recommended by 25 out of 25 magicians, myself included. Time to create some magic of your own.

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